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  • Joe Must Go

    Joe Must Go

    As so many others have expressed, within a minute into the ill-named “debate,” I knew it was a certain train wreck. Biden looked like so many old men I observe going into a restaurant, for example, slack-jawed and confused – even before looking at the menu. Unlike the spin doctors who claimed that his performance improved over time, I found that generosity preposterous. His energy rose slightly only when he traded 2nd grade taunts. “You’re the worst president ever!” “No, you’re the worst president ever!” “Your son’s a felon!” “You’re a felon and had sex with a porn star!” “I

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Online News

  • Joe Must Go

    Joe Must Go

    As so many others have expressed, within a minute into the ill-named “debate,” I knew it was a certain train wreck. Biden looked like so many old men I observe going into a restaurant, for example, slack-jawed and confused – even before looking at the menu. Unlike the spin doctors who claimed that his performance improved over time, I found that generosity preposterous. His energy rose slightly only when he traded 2nd grade taunts. “You’re the worst president ever!” “No, you’re the worst president ever!” “Your son’s a felon!” “You’re a felon and had sex with a porn star!” “I

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  • The Girls in the Mirror

    The Girls in the Mirror

    Jacquelynn Perkins’ solo show, Self-Portraits of My Sisters & Andrea Dratch’s accompanying film & performance piece, Shame on Me premiered at downtown Loveland’s artworks on April 12, 2024. “We had these girls in the mirror and we would sit and talk to them. They looked just like us and they were sisters.” Artists and sisters Jacquelynn Perkins (43) and Andrea Dratch (41), who were born in Denver and Longmont, sit in Perkins’ Loveland studio in overstuffed, red chairs discussing their art opening on April 12th. And more specifically, the journey that landed them here. Perkins’ studio is almost unrecognizable to

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  • Denver Police Officers Kill Trans Woman One Week Before Pride

    Denver Police Officers Kill Trans Woman One Week Before Pride

    False narratives and misgendering surround trans woman’s death On June 16th, one week before Denver held its 50th annual Pridefest, two officers and one sergeant fired a total of 12 rounds into an unhoused trans woman at the intersection of Broadway and Lawrence.  At 11:30 AM a concerned witness called 911 and reported that a woman was in mental distress in the roadway at the intersection of Broadway and Lawrence. The woman was reportedly screaming at cars, telling drivers to “kill her” in Spanish according to police reports.  Denver police officers attempted to get the woman — who we will

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  • Small Distillery, Big Flavors, and Big Accolades

    Small Distillery, Big Flavors, and Big Accolades

    Sprit Hound Distillers maintains international recognition We’ve all been there. An email arrives in our inbox and our spamdar immediately engages. Who is this person? Why are they reaching out to me? Do I dare click? That’s what happened to Craig Englehorn, founder, owner, and head distiller of Spirit Hound Distillers in Lyons, Colorado. In 2022 Englehorn sat at his computer in his office and noticed an email from a journalist in the United Kingdom asking for an interview. Why would someone in the UK be reaching out to a small distillery in the foothills of Colorado? This can’t be

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  • Thou Shalt Not

    Thou Shalt Not

    Just one more reason to be glad I don’t live in Louisiana. Governor Jeff Landry just signed a law requiring that the Ten Commandments be posted in every public school classroom. He accompanied the law’s signing with the snickering comment, “Can’t wait to get sued!” I’ll bet. The religofascist Republican Party just loves this nearly failsafe technique. Legislate or litigate nearly any issue, no matter how absurdly unconstitutional or nonsensical, and know they can depend on their friends in high places, aka the Supreme Court. Governor Landry knows that any challenge will wind its way up to the heavenly judicial

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